Please be informed that Master Good Group (and its enterprises*) has exclusively executed a Special
Power of Attorney in favor of PERIDOT INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES INC. (the “PRA”).
If you would like to join us, please reach them:
Unit A 1845 Dian St.
Makati, Philippines
No other agencies are authorized to hire employees!
*Enterprises of Master Good Group are:
1. Baromfi Coop Kft., 2. BPR2001 Kft., 3. Eggs Coop Kft., 4. Green Pro Tech Kft., 5. Kotasz Kft., 6.
Master Good Kft., 7. Master Szolg Kft., 8. Meat Pro-Max Kft., 9. Mercurius Kft., 10. Petne Brojler Kft.,
11. SáGa Foods Zrt., 12. Steam Cook Kft., 13. Várda Brojler Kft., 14. Várda Meat Kft.